Doing business in Savonlinna

Savonlinna for Businesses offers for you some information to boost your business in Savonlinna.

Savonlinna for Businesses gives information to companies in Savonlinna region to establish, expand, develop and internationalize their businesses and operations. Experienced staff in Savonlinna are ready to respond to all of your business related challenges and needs.

Together with people in Savonlinna you are able to create the best possible conditions to allow your business to succeed and create new jobs. Business consultants in Savonlinna have solid experience in enterprise and business development.

Why Savonlinna?

Focus areas and strengths of business in the Savonlinna area:

  • Forest industry machinery (the largest concentration in Europe)
  • Technology, manufacturing equipment for the pulp and paper industry and the electrical engineering industry
  • Coordination of destination development functions
  • Marketing tourism investment opportunities
  • Facilitating tourism enterprise development
  • National and international networking in tourism development.

Useful information

Beautiful nature

Life is not always business. In Savonlinna you can enjoy beautiful nature and peaceful living, year-round.